Friday, January 13, 2023

Video Game Spotlight: Tamagotchi! Party On!

 today's spotlight is not for a character, nor location, but rather one of the many video games in the Tamagotchi series! (as well as one of the only english games along with the first GBA game and the corner shop games). today's spotlight is on Tamagotchi! Party On!

Tamagotchi! Party On! released on May 29th, 2007, and is one of the two Tamagotchi games for the Wii. (the second being Tamagotchi no Furifuri Kagekidan). in the game you play as a Tamagotchi of your choosing, and compete against either 2-3 other players, or 2-3 CPUs.

the list of playable characters go as follows:

Mametchi, Memetchi, Kuchipatchi, Violetchi, Androtchi, Mimitchi, Tosakatchi, Nonbiritchi, Sebiretchi, Yattatchi, Gozarutchi, Makiko, Primatchi, Matsuritchi and Shitekitchi. you can unlock more of these characters as you play more rounds of the game.

in this game, you play as one of the characters as you compete against 1-3 other people or 1-3 CPUs to become the mayor of Tamagotchi Planet. you play through Mame City, Guruguru Town, Patchi Forest, Flower Hills or Gozaru Village, as well as Uratama Town, if your lucky enough to find a hole leading to it during a round.

the story is simple, Election Darumatchi comes back to Tamagotchi Planet after leaving for a while, and you race against 3 other Tamagotchis to become the President of Tamagotchi Planet.

                                                         Election Darumatchi  ^

also in this game are Naviotchi and Navikotchi. they announce things such as the campaign speeches, as well as who becomes president at the end of your round. they also give you a tutorial on the game.

                                                Naviotchi  ^                       Navikotchi  ^

Video Game Spotlight: Tamagotchi! Party On!

 today's spotlight is not for a character, nor location, but rather one of the many video games in the Tamagotchi series! (as well as on...